Busureliame Project
Busuréliame is the Rarámuri expression for learning and means literally “inner awakening”.
True Messages has joined with Tierra Nativa NGP (which has sponsored the program since 2017) to provide support and resources for the Busureliame project under the leadership Tarahumara visionary, leader, teacher, poet and recording artist, Makawi
Makawi has created, and with his team and teachers continues to develop, a cultural education program to guide Tarahumara children towards a deeper functional understanding of their language and culture in cooperation with the grade schools of the Sierra Tarahumara and the Municipal of Urique Chihuahua
“Education of our children in our language and customs is our most fundamental right and responsibility, but our children are not learning well. In order to learn well, our children must awaken. Their families must awaken. Their communities must awaken
(click for more)

What is Korima?
Korima is one of the cornerstone principles of Tarahumara / Raramuri society. Messengers, Mas Locos, runners and travelers to the Sierra Madre are all served an unforgettable lesson in Humanity when they first come in contact with this beautiful, simple concept: What I have, you have too.
Literally translated, Korima means “circle of sharing”. It’s a basic principle that states it is the community, not the individual, which is the end owner of pretty much everything. Thus, wealth and resources are more evenly distributed among the community, with a special emphasis on the elders and those in less favorable conditions. It is not rare to see a Raramuri worker come back to his family with his earnings and stop by neighboring houses to share some of his salary. Same goes for food and everyday items, and the concept also extends to help with physical work or whatever else might be needed at the time.
Beyond sharing, the principle of Korima also entails the absence of an expectation of return. Sharing is selfless, and thanks or acknowledgements are not be expected. True Korima is, therefore, an act of humility.
Communities who follow the simple rule of Korima put more emphasis on relationships and global well-being. We think it’s a beautiful thing and it’s one of the greatest “True Messages” ever.

Run Free: The True Story of Caballo Blanco
Those who knew Micah, knew he wasn’t necessarily a fan of interviews, social media and anything related to self promotion. Quite the opposite. However he realized he had a platform that could use to introduce the world to the beauty of the peoples and lands of the Sierra Tarahumara. With that he did on occasion participate in group setting where he would share some stories and wisdoms from his time in the Barrancas. However for the most part he remained reluctant and humble when it came to sharing about himself. With his passing being prior to the huge growth of social media and YouTube and all the other platforms of digital engagement we have nowadays, there simply isn’t a whole lot of ‘Micah as Micah True (or Caballo Blanco)’ available for those just coming to know his story. There is however, one huge exception - the documentary Run Free: The True Story of Caballo Blanco.
It’s a blessing that Run Free even came about. First the documentary includes Micah conversations and footage that only happened because it was Micah’s friend Sterling Noren behind the camera and the conversations. Authenticity was a true mantra for Micah, and he knew he could trust Sterling to not produce anything but the truth. Second, the sad fact is when these conversations and video imagery of Micah was being captured, little did Sterling, Maria or anyone know that they would become an essential part of the story that documented his life and his death.
If you have not yet experienced Run Free, please do - and join us, we are the messengers.

Born to Run Free: True Trails from the Horse’s Mouth
In his own words Micah shares a little about some wanderings and stories of old. Would have been great to read the story of the Gypsy Cowboy!

A tribute to Running Women
The runningverse is filled with amazing stories of people discovering a whole new world of health, elation and adventure. It brims with joy, excitement and positivism. But it also brings about a great, wonderful paradigm which we think the world needs. True equality.

Ultra Caballo Blanco 2021 Registration is open!
Ultra Caballo Blanco 2021 Registration

Korima Run
A Korima (sharing) Run with, and in support of the Raramuri peoples of the Sierra Tarahumara.
These are greatly challenging times for all of us. For some of our friends however, the effects of the Corona Virus has had on their families and their communities is truly devastating. Sadly, this has been the case for the Tarahumara and so many who call the Copper Canyons home. These people, and these lands has provided our running community so many inspirational stories over the years and we are hopeful you can join us and be part of another incredibly special one.
The Tarahumara traditions provide that they have responsibilities to help keep the Balance of the Planet and humanity. Tradition also provides that when they run on and with the earth it helps support this balance. Our friends will be doing a run, they hope you will join them wherever you are to help support this balance and help support the Tarahumara community.

Meeting the Tarahumara at Leadville
This is one of the wonderful stories Micah originally wrote on his site caballoblanco.com. then republished after his passing on Norawas.com
By Micah True
The summer of 1993:
I awoke in Boulder Community Hospital after a severe bicycle accident. My helmet had been split in two and numerous cuts around my eyes had required many stitches. The last thing I remembered was flying over the handle bars of my bike while speeding downhill at about 35 miles an hour and hitting a patch of gravel on the long, paved descent….

Dearest Micah (a Tribute)
First shared by Norawas de Raramuri in 2012. A touching expression by Deborah.
by Deborah Hirsch Here I am again, stepping back from the details and looking for the big picture. In front of me is the immediate image of you by a stream, without breath or pulse, and the knowledge that I will never see you again. When Maria told me of this, I couldn't see anything for all the crying. Now, reading what people have been writing about you, the picture forming is something so inspiring. I want you to know what I see, Micah…. (cont)

Running La Sierra Tarahumara
This is one of the wonderful stories Micah originally wrote on his site caballoblanco.com then later published at www.norawas.com
By Micah True
My introduction to La Sierra Madre of Mexico was in November of 1994. That was the summer when a team of 7 Tarahumara indians, [most of them from the same village of 400… (cont)